
Veneers are used to correct a wide variety of unsightly dental distortions or conditions.

Fillmore Dental

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are used to correct a wide variety of unsightly dental distortions or conditions, such as: Tooth discoloration, noticeable gaps, permanent stains, broken or misshapen teeth.

Porcelain Veneers  are more aesthetic, natural looking , and longer lasting than the Resin Veneers which uses a filling-like material and is applied to your tooth chair-side, although the cost is less they do not last as long and over time tend to discolor and stain.

Dr. Santos-Berkowitz's procedure for Porcelain Veneers requires several visits:

  • Digital photos of face & different angles and other info to be used in the development of your future smile.

  • Dr. Santos will apply a removable bonding material and sculpt the desired look right to your teeth. Which they can wear for up to 5 days. This will give you an idea of the result that the veneers will give you.

  • Dr. Santos-Berkowitz will prepare you for veneers and take impressions.

  • Veneers will be permanently bonded to your teeth and a mouth guard is recommended to protect your new smile along with regular check ups every 4-6 months to maintain your oral health.

Read more about Evaluating Your Smile on this link.